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Olympic Flame Vietnam
hoboicomposite Icon
We are a company specializing in design and construction of swimming pools named Saigonpoolspa composite where the land contains many creative elements, in thinking and how, the land of Saigon dear Ho Chi Minh . With the achievements gained over the past 10 years, more and more promote the spirit of working enthusiasts of engineers and engineers dedicated in each step leaping into the flow of technology. and the latest construction methods for swimming pools, accessing the designs that go along with the year and optimizing the increasingly scarce costs of modern building materials such as fiberglass composite swimming pools or waterproofing technology. Warranty for more than 20 years. Accompanying with the equipment accompanying people rolling to the glass swimming pool, roof terrace or earth tunnel hardest to use, using the preparation of composite Epoxy paint beautiful to help Waterproofing on the best roof terrace. New spirit with new spirit to create trust from customers, following the steps of the architecture inherited the ancient features mixed modern, Asian and Asian characters from the humorous design comes from the design. aestheticsAddress: 312/37 Ha Huy Giap, Kp3, phuong Thanh Xuan, Quan 12, TphcmTel: 0902 722 748
0902722748 | View ProfileHCM, quan 12 Vietnam
saigonpoolspacomposite Icon
Su dung cac vat lieu Composite soi thuy tin, son epoxy va cac phu gia khac vao thiet ke thi cong xay dung mot be boi do la nhiem vu chinh cua Saigonpoolspa mot nha thau so mot tai Viet Nam ve kha nang cung cap dich vu tu van thiet ke, lap dat, bao tri ho boi tron goi, ben canh do lai cung cap cac thiet bi be boi di kem voi cac chuong trinh hau mai tot voi cac ky thuat vien co trinh do cao va tan tam voi cong viec. Cac thiet bi loc nuoc hay hoa chat cung cap cho ho boi deu duoc cam ket va bao hanh dai han.
0902722748 | View ProfileHo Chi Minh, quan 12 Vietnam
Cong ty ho boi seapoolvnSponsor
cong ty ho boi seapoolvn Icon
Tat ca nhung kien truc dep de hien nay deu duoc xuat phat tu viec thiet ke xay dung be boi tao them nhieu ngoai canh hien co toi da cho ngoi nha tu hang muc san vuon cho den noi that va khong gian bao trum co cai nhin tong the hon. Co the noi nghe nghiep thiet ke thi cong ho boi duoc toi luyen qua nam thang boi nhung con nguoi yeu nghe nhu kien truc su va ky su di theo chuyen nganh rieng la swimmingpool construction voi phuong huong dem net dep cua nhung manh ghep vat lieu tuong nhu tho cung la xi mang va sat thep, cat va nhung chat phu gia hoa hoc ket hop voi thiet bi loc nuoc thong minh tao nen mot ban tinh ca cho loc tuan hoan tron tru hon mang dam dau chat cua cong nghe chau au tai dat nuoc viet nam. Qua do Seapoolvn nhu tiep buoc duoc nhung buoc chan cua nhung nguoi di truoc dan than vao su nghiep xay dung cong trinh, duoc the hien trong bai ca xay dung xay cho nha cao va cao mai. De biet them thong tin cua chung toi seapoolvn cac nha dau tu hay den tai Dia chi: 78 Ha Huy Giap, phuong Thanh Loc, Quan 12, TphcmDien thoai: 0902 755 689 gap ky su Dung
0902755689 | View ProfileHo Chi Minh, quan 12 Vietnam
Cong ty Gia Thinh PoolSponsor
Cong ty Gia Thinh Pool Icon
Gia thinh pool là mot trong nhung don vi chuyên tu van thiet ke xây dung ho boi. Bên canh do còn cung cap các thiet bi ho boi chính hãng tot nhat den các ban. NGoài ta chúng tôi còn duoc biet den don vi cung cap các dich vu ho boi
0901619333 | View ProfileQuan 9 TPHCM, SG Vietnam