Denmark |
Alfalan provides loans to private individuals who can not borrow money from the bank or who find it easier to borrow without question about the purpose of the loan. It is not cheaper than most bank loans, but often easier and more anonymous.Alfalan offers loans through our partner, thus neither imposes interest on fees, fees or charges. We limit ourselves to offering the types of loans that our customers demand, regardless of what the loan is used for or whether the loan is needed.In case of problems with a loan, our partner's debt collection department is responsible for collection, and only debit transactions will be conducted under Danish law.Applications from Alfalan are automatically implemented and communicated to our partner. Thus, we do not have a department which lends a loan, and our work for lending restricts itself to advertising and dissemination of the information itself stated on our website. |
+45 70 20 00 66 | View ProfileKøge, dk Denmark |
Digital NitinSponsor |
Ansök idag för en nystart och en bättre ekonomi – ett nytstartslån hjälper många till lägre räntor på större lån som ersättning för flera dyra smålån. |
View Profiledenmark, Denmark |
Double technology s.r.o.Sponsor |
Har du brug for at låne penge? Og vil du ikke ryge i en fælde? Sammenlign verificerede lån vha vores uafhængige sammenligner. Du kan få overblik over lånene hurtigt og gratis, og i løbet af få minutter kan du finde det rigtige lån, der imødekommer dine behov. |
+420776668834 | View ProfileSønder-Omme, Denmark |
DkPenge MediaSponsor |
dkPenge knows how to compare loans i DenmarkIt is not easy to compare consumer loans in Denmark. There are many loan providers and many of the loans have different terms, so it can be difficult to compare them with each other.dkPenge compare loans with APR (ÅOP – danish)In Denmark, APR is applied by law. Using this key figure, it is only possible to compare loans make a right an fair, when all loans have the same loan amount and the same term. dkPenge has developed a loan calculator that takes this into account and shows the APR and other necessary data for each loan. In this way, it is easy for consumers in Denmark to choose the cheapest loan. If you are a foreigner and are moving to Denmark and need to borrow money, we would definitely recommend using our service. |
View ProfileOdense, Denmark |